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Spices English Italian Dictionary
A simple dictionary with an English-Italian and Italian-English translation for the spices most used in the kitchen. A great tool to help you in the preparation of delicious and healthy meals without the risk of messing up with the flavors!

English | Italian |
almonds | mandorle |
anise | anice |
basil | basilico |
bay leaf | alloro |
black pepper | pepe nero |
borage | borragine |
chestnuts | castagne |
cinnamon | cannella |
cloves | chiodi di garofano |
coriander | coriandolo |
dill | aneto |
fennel seeds | semi di finocchio |
ginger | zenzero |
hazelnut | nocciola |
juniper | ginepro |
marjoram | maggiorana |
myrtle | mirto |
nut | noce |
nutmeg | noce moscata |
olive oil | olio di oliva |
oregano | origano |
parsley | prezzemolo |
peanuts | noccioline |
pepper | pepe |
pine nuts | pinoli |
rosemary | rosmarino |
saffron | zafferano |
sage | salvia |
salt | sale |
sesame seeds | sesami |
tarragon | dragoncello |
thyme | timo |
vanilla | vaniglia |
vinegar | aceto |